Weapons Update

This update introduced 4 things:

  • Laser weapon
  • Ignesium element
  • Slight Post processing changes (temperature -10)
  • And now the "X" at the in-game menu is always red

The laser weapon shoots when the "f" button is pressed (it stands for fire). The Ignesium element explodes when hit hard enough, it has a red color. Also I remember noticing that when I open the in-game menu second time, after closing it with the X button, the button becomes grey. It's fixed now.


linux.tar.gz 32 MB
Nov 13, 2022

Get Cosmobite: Unity edition 2


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Also I forgot to say that I fixed the problem of FPS dropping every 5 frames. The issue was that the attractor "System" was updating every 5 frames. Now I split the task into 3 parts. Update 1/3 at the 3rd frame, 2/3 at the 4th frame and 3/3 at the last frame.